Exhibition: Gemstone-set jewelry inspired by Karen Blixen
Exhibition: Gemstone-set jewelry inspired by Karen Blixen
Karen Blixen told in silver, pearls and diamonds
A special exhibition – Silver Tales
Currently on display until April 30,...
I feel the need to edit this!
I feel the need to edit this!
Gary Roskin - Roskin Gem News Report - January 2, 2022 -
Do we care about what other...
The Rise of the House of Asscher & that 10.67-carat Fancy Grey Diamond
The Rise of the House of Asscher & that 10.67-carat Fancy Grey Diamond
A bit of history with the 10.67 carat Fancy Grey Diamond ......
Tanzanite with faceted diamond beads
Tanzanite with faceted diamond beads -
Tanzanite, a blue/purple color variety of Zoisite, is found only in the Merelani Hills of North Eastern...
Natural Pearls
Natural Pearls -
Pearls that are created by Mother Nature (and the oyster, of course) are called "Natural Pearls." There is no (intentional) human...
Is it a Padparadscha, or not?
Is it a Padparadscha, or not?
GIA Observes Unusual Color Change in Sapphires During Color Stability Testing... and what is Tenebrescence?
Above - Image copyright GIA,...
Sotheby’s Magnificent Jewels
Sotheby's Magnificent JewelsAuction Results, Wednesday Dec. 7
Gary Roskin - Roskin Gem News Report - December 14, 2022 -
Christie's auction went first on Tuesday,...
From the Gem & Mineral Vault
from Peru
on view at the Harvard Mineralogical & Geological Museum (MGM), Cambridge, Massachusetts, across the Charles River from Boston.
Photo by Gary Roskin
What is a “Circular Brilliant”?
The Palm Tree BroochChristie's Auction, Dec. 6
Gary Roskin -Roskin Gem News Report -December 07, 2022 -
The Palm Tree Brooch, a Cartier estate piece, was...
An Unusual Pearl: Coated or Not?
Roskin Gem News ReportGary Roskin
Conch Pearl: Coated, or not?
Identification of pearl coatings can be a bit tricky, especially if the coating has been performed...
Making an Impression: The Art and Craft of Ancient Engraved Gemstones
Virtual Exhibition Tour Available here belowEmory University, Michael C. Carlos MuseumAtlanta, Georgia, USA
According to Emery University, “Making an Impression: The Art and Craft of...
Not Just Another Pocket Stone
A genuine Munsteiner "pocket stone," cut and polished by Tom Munsteiner. Isn't it interesting that while the gem artist feels this is something you...