International Gem & Jewellery Exhibition Sri Lanka 2024

International Gem & Jewellery Exhibition Sri Lanka 2024 This weekend! Don’t miss the International Gem & Jewellery Exhibition Sri Lanka 2024! "Join us for an unforgettable...

NAJA’s 62nd Annual ACE©It Mid-Year Education Conference

NAJA's 62nd Annual ACE©It Mid-Year Education Conference Press ReleaseNAJA This year's National Association of Jewelry Appraisers' 62nd Annual ACE©It Mid-Year Education Conference, will be held at...

Hardrock Summit News and Last Call for Exhibitors!

Hardrock Summit News and Last Call for Exhibitors! Press ReleaseHardRock Summit Announcing a brand new wholesale area at Hardrock Summit 2024!With over 150 top-notch exhibitors of...

FACETS Sri Lanka: Never Too Soon to start Saving the Date!

FACETS Sri Lanka: Never Too Soon to start Saving the Date! FACETSPress Release

Rapaport Breakfast: “State of the Diamond Industry,” JCK Las Vegas

Rapaport Breakfast: “State of the Diamond Industry,” JCK Las Vegas Sunday, June 2, 8 am, San Paolo Ballroom, Level 3. The Man, The LegendOne of the...

JNA Jewelry News Asia: May/June 2024

JNA Jewelry News Asia: May/June 2024 The May/June 2024 issue of JNA magazine is now available, just prior to the June, Jewellery & Gem Asia...

GEMMES: Spring 2024

GEMMES: Spring 2024 In this issue, you will find the contributions of Stéphane Renard, Thomas Cagniard, Féodor Blumentritt, Aurélien Delaunay, Franck Notari, Ingrid Lerouyer, Boris...

AGTA Bans Synthetics from Shows: Why Now?

AGTA Bans Synthetics from Shows: Why Now? Gary RoskinRoskin Gem News Report By now, you should have read that the American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) plans...

Idar-Oberstein’s Intergem Moves Show Dates

Idar-Oberstein's Intergem Moves Show Dates INTERGEM switches from Fall '24 to Spring '25- Mark your Show Calendars INTERGEM – the international trade fair for gemstones, gemstone...

Upcoming Trade Shows from Bangkok to Geneva to New York…

Upcoming Trade Shows from Bangkok to Geneva to New York... Jewellery & Gem, ASEAN Bangkok – Informa Markets Bangkok, Thailand– May 1-4, 2024Informa Markets is preparing...

Show Time: Istanbul, Bangkok, then the May/June show crowd! GemGenève Coming Up Soon

Show Time: Istanbul, Bangkok, then the May/June show crowd! GemGenève Coming Up Soon As reported by InformaMarkets - the fair organizer - the Istanbul...

Cambodia Hosts 15th Gems & Jewelry Expo

Cambodia Hosts 15th Gems & Jewelry Expo By XinhuaGlobal TimesMar 22, 2024 08:35 AM PHNOM PENH, March 21 (Xinhua) -- The 15th edition of Cambodia International...


The REAL Tick Tock: Jeweled Art from Watch Parts

The REAL Tick Tock: Jeweled Art from Watch Parts NHK World JapanZero Waste LifeYouTube Since ancient times, the Japanese have believed that a life force resides...

Journal of Gemmology 38/no.4