Jedi Spinels: a quest to the origin of the ultimate red spinels!
AIGS News - a Webinar with Vincent Pardieu
Vincent Pardieu is a Consultant Field Gemologist at “VP Consulting WLL”, a writer and a documentary producer....
Gems & Gemology, Summer Issue 2022
Diamonds from Guyana, Ekanite from Sri Lanka, a New Amber Source in Vietnam, and More...
GIA.eduDuncan Pay, Editor-in-Chief
Other features include:The Shape of EkaniteDiscusses the unusual...
GAMMA Vol. 2 Issue 2
GAMMA: The ICA | GemLab Journal
In this issue of GAMMA, you will find a wealth of information about rubies and emeralds.
In particular... A...
Gem-A Conference 2022
The Gem-A Conference 2022: bringing together the greatest minds in gemmology
Gemmologists from around the world will gather in London to attend the annual Gem-A...
5,010-carat ruby, weighing 1 kg unveiled in Dubai - Sakina Fatima | 26 September 2022 -
The rough stone was discovered in the small village of Hyderabad, Pakistan, bordering Iran and Afghanistan.
Cutting differently: Inside the whimsical world of fantasy gems - Lauriane Lognay -
The role of a traditional gem cutter is no walk in the park. Whether faceting, cabochon, or carving, it...
Carved Gemstones Embed Intricate Patterns from Ancient Symbols, Architecture, and Nature - GRACE EBERT - All images by Jeff Mason, © Bryan D. Drummond, shared with permission -
Fractals, grids, religious symbols, and ancient architecture...
Report by GSI: Rare phosphorescence in CVD Lab Grown Diamond
Diamond World News Service | Sept 29 2022 - -
Lab Grown Diamonds have gained increased popularity in recent times. Today’s cutting-edge technology...
Appraisal for rare lavender pearl found at Delaware restaurant comes back - JASMINE PAYOUTE - Always check your raw platterQuahog pearls (pronounced "KWAH-HAWG") are found on the Eastern shore of North America. This is why...
The Mining Yearbook 2022
Covering the African Mining Sector
Miningmx is a digital publication which provides independent news and analysis related to the African mining sector. The publication does...