Tucson 2023: Brace for Higher Prices and Tighter Supplies of Fine Goods

Forecast from Gemworld’s Robertson
JCK Magazine
Victoria Gomelsky | January 25, 2023

Stuart Robertson, president, Gemworld International

A word to the wise: If you haven’t yet booked accommodations for this year’s gem shows, which kick off later this month in Tucson, you may struggle to find a decent room at a reasonable rate, says Stuart Robertson (pictured), president of Gemworld International in Chicago.

“People will show up in large numbers,” he tells JCK. “We noticed when we were booking our hotels a few months ago that a lot of hotels were already sold out. I think it’ll be a good show, but we’ll see different things compared with 2020.”

Chiefly, expect to find higher prices on many fine goods and discounts at the low end. “Things below $500 used to be a very strong price point, but that’s fallen off completely,” Robertson says.

What else? Read on for Robertson’s views on supplies, pricing, and the problem with the term ethical sourcing. The interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.

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