A lot to Take In, & a lot to Report
Having just returned from Cambridge, Massachusetts, where the inaugural SAJS took place, notebook crammed, photo library stuffed, and back at the news desk with a much more serious view of the event topics, we will begin our reviews starting next week.
Yes, while there were presentations on sustainability and climate change, carbon footprints, sanctions and responsible sourcing, standards and certifications, trust, green washing, renewables, energy costs and supply chains, and more, there seemed to be a common thread throughout, and some suggestions as to what we should be doing to save the planet, save the global population, and save our industry.
As it was pointed out, industry standards are changing in line with consumer’s behaviors, towards a more sustainable and equitable Jewelry industry. But are we doing enough in the right directions?
We shall dive into all of the presentations, report back on what this all means to our industry, as well as to you personally. This may end up with more questions than answers, but we all need to be thinking about it.
Thank you to the Responsible Jewelry Council (RJC), the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and the Mineralogical and Geological Museum at Harvard University (MGMH) for the invitation to attend and cover the event.
We’ll see you all back here next week for our first report.