Let’s Get Ready: Tucson Conferences & Seminars
If you have been to the Tucson gem & mineral shows, then you know that there is never enough time for everything. Therefore, planning is essential.
And so to help with your planning, we have created a daily list of seminars for you to download, including the NAJA ACE©It Conference, the AGTA Elevated Seminar series, the AGA’s 50th Anniversary Gemological Conference, the Tucson Gems & Fine Minerals Show presentations, as well as GIA’s continuing education sessions at the Alfie Norville Gem & Mineral Museum.
Schedule accordingly, since you cannot, no matter how you look at it, be in two places at once. Because there are so many activities and shows to attend, with limited time, map out a plan.
And don’t forget to schedule time to shop! We have included our list of recommended shows!
(If you are downloading this to post in your magazine/blog/website or eBlast, please credit the Roskin Gem News Report. THANKS!)