Gem-A Announces Speakers for November Annual Conference:
Gem-A, the Gemmological Association of Great Britain, is now counting down teh days until the annual Conference 2024!
Scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, November 2-3, 2024, this year’s event will be back to their traditional two days of presentations and professional networking in the familiar surroundings of etc.venues County Hall in Central London.
On Monday, November 4, our popular in-house workshops and guided museum tours will return, in addition to the Gem-A Graduation Ceremony at Goldsmiths’ Hall.
This year’s Conference includes 10 speakers, an incredible line-up of expert speakers from around the world. Confirmed speakers include:
Carina Hanser from Germany, speaking on Characterisation of the Chitral Emeralds and What Remains to be Learned About Beryl
Michael Hugi from Switzerland, speaking on Giant Quartz Crystals from Alpine Deposits: Their Formation and their Historical Significance as Raw Material for Objets d’Art
Michael Krzemnicki from SSEF in Switzerland, speaking on the radiometric age dating of gems
Jim Clanin from the United States, speaking on The Thrill of Discovery: A Miner’s Experience with Finding Gems In Situ
Wim Vertriest from GIA Thailand, speaking on Mozambican Ruby: The First 15 Years
Dr. Boris Chauvire from France, speaking on Fantastic Opals: Their Nature and Where to Find Them
Richa Goyal Sikri from Singapore, speaking from her new book, No Stone Unturned: The Hunt for African Gems
Dr. Michael Bycroft from the UK, speaking on The End of Gems and the Origins of Gemmology
Brecken Branstrator from the United States, speaking on Emerald Fillers and Today’s Market: Demand & Pricing
and Kat Weymouth from the United States, speaking on a sustainability rated diamonds initiative
Tap here to find out more and to register for Gem-A’s Annual Conference!