Fancy Color Diamond Prices: A Show of Strength
FCDI Q3 2023
In a press release dated October 23rd, 2023, The Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF) announced the results of the Q3 2023 Fancy Color Diamond Index (FCDI).
During the third quarter of 2023, the average price of fancy color diamonds continued to rise by 0.4%, achieving a 3.1% increase in the last 12 months. Contrary to, colorless diamonds which decreased dramatically.
Across all color categories, the Vivid grade exhibited the highest increase of 1% overall. Subsequently, both Fancy and the Intense grade exhibited marginal growth, contributing to an overall increase of 0.2%. Notably, in the third quarter of 2023, the Yellow category demonstrated an appreciation of 0.5%, closely trailed by Pinks at 0.4%. Blues exhibited a 0.1% decrease.

The annual increment in the Yellow category was primarily driven by a 0.5% increase. The Vivid grade experienced a 1.4% increase across all sizes, while the Fancy and Intense grades displayed an average decrease of 0.55%. The most substantial surge was observed in the Vivid 3-carat category, rising by an impressive 4.2%. The 5 carat fancy grade followed with an increase of 1.1%. Additionally, the Intense grade demonstrated a slight uptick in the 1-carat segment, with a 0.3% increase.

Pink diamonds demonstrated an overall growth of 0.4%, led by the Vivid category, showing an increase of 1%. The Fancy grade contributed to this increase with a 0.6% rise, while the intense category remained stable, with soft results in the larger weights. The highest increase of 4.4% was in the 1ct Intense pink and a 1.4% decrease in the 10ct Intense pink.

In Q3 2023, blue diamond prices showed a minor decline, mainly in the Fancy grade category decreasing by 0.5%, the Vivid and Intense grades remained unchanged. The 10-carat intense blue segment demonstrated a 1.1% increase, while the Fancy 3-carat category showed a decrease of -1.1%.
Since the establishment of the Fancy Color Research Foundation, there has been a significant uptrend in all Fancy Color Diamonds, marking an impressive surge of 212.5%. Yellow diamonds experienced a notable increase of 59%, Pink diamonds exhibited a surge of 398% and Blue diamonds showed a substantial increase of 251%.
FCRF Data Supplier Matthew Aldridge said:
“In times when interest rates rise and white diamond prices decrease, it’s intriguing to observe the price resilience of fancy color diamonds. Their stability instills confidence in retailers who hold substantial inventory.”

The Fancy Color Diamond Index is published by the non-profit Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF), tracking pricing data for Yellow, Pink, and Blue Fancy Color Diamonds in the major global trading centers – Hong Kong, New York, Geneva, and Tel Aviv.
About the FCRF
The Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF) provides fact-based support for Fancy Color Diamonds as an asset class and empowers sellers with the unparalleled proficiency that the field demands. A non-trading organization, the FCRF promotes transparency and fair trade through the Fancy Color Diamond Price Index, rarity data, auction analyses, commercial research, and objective valuations.
To learn more, go to https://www.fcresearch.org.