Dr. Gabriela Farfan Live MTL Mineral Talks

MTL Mineral Talks Live Introduces Smithsonian Curatrix

Mineral Talks LIVE (MTL), is a monthly podcast from BlueCap Productions, with support from the Mineralogical and Geological Museum at Harvard, and the SMMP, the Society of Mineral Museum Professionals.  

For MTL’s 75th show, they went to the US National Museum – the Smithsonian – to meet with one of the new curators, Dr. Gabriela Farfan.

The Intro

Gabriela Farfan began collecting minerals and gems at age six and turned her hobby into a career as a mineralogist, geochemist, and the first woman and Latina to become a Curator-in-Charge of the National Gem & Mineral Collection.

During the podcast, which you will be able to watch when the video is posted, Dr. Farfan walked us through the back halls of the research facility in the natural history building.

A large part of the day is spent on research, using the mineral collection. Dr. Farfan reminded us that it’s not just research or the exhibit for the public, but those who work behind the scenes are there to be stewards of the collection, protecting, sharing, and collecting more for future research, to preserve these materials to make them available for research years from now.

As with many of the BlueCap Mineral Talks LIVE podcasts, there’s a show-and-tell period. With Dr. Farfan being at the Smithsonian, she was able to share some of her favorite pieces from the national collection. follow for more updates Roskingemnewsreport


First up, one of several butterfly pins, this one set with all Yogo sapphires, many of which are extremely rare for their color and their size.

One her favorites butterfly pins is set with the world’s largest faceted hiddenite.

Saving the largest for last, Dr. Farfan pulled out the Kimberly Diamond Necklace. The diamond pendant highlights a 55 carat emerald cut.

Past Episodes of Mineral Talks LIVE can be viewed on YouTube at the following URL: https://go.MineralTalksLIVE.com/PastEpisodes

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