Add an Extra Day to your 2025 Tucson Schedule: AGTA and GJX Open Monday, February 3rd – Check your hotel and flight schedules!
Gary Roskin –
Roskin Gem News Report –
Looks like we are going to be spending even more time in Tucson in 2025. Both GJX and AGTA are starting their shows 1 day earlier, on Monday, February 3rd.
Typically, Monday would be set-up day, a day for conferences, board meetings, etc. But not in 2025.

Monday through Saturday! (closed on Sunday!)
GJX, the Gem and Jewelry Exchange tent across from the TCC, the Tucson Convention Center, changed their show days from starting on a Tuesday and ending on a Sunday to starting on Monday and ending on Saturday. Same amount of days open, just beginning one day earlier.
GJX premiered in 1994 with only 35 booths and became the fastest growing gem show in Tucson’s gem show history now boasting nearly 700 booths held in a 120,000 square foot ultra-structure that is fully carpeted and climate controlled. We are a “wholesale-to-the-trade-only” show and limited to finished jewelry, precious and semi-precious gemstones, gem carvings and/or related lapidary equipment and packaging. Only qualified buyers will be admitted into the show.
GJX has many of the same amenities found in many of the shows held in permanent facilities, such as a food court, coffee bar, along with a helpful, friendly staff.
Armed, off-duty Tucson Police personnel are on-site 24-hours a day to ensure the safety of staff, buyers and exhibitors.
Tap here for more details of the GJX – Tucson Gem & Jewelry Exchange Show!