King Charles’ Gem of a Coronation Crown

On Saturday, King Charles III of England will be crowned, with the 360-year-old St. Edward’s Crown. A massive piece, frame made of solid gold (22 karat), and set with 444 gemstones, including dozens of colorless topaz, giving the appearance of diamond – are there any diamond? Check the list (in the Daily Mail).

St. Edward’s Crown

This article, found in the Daily Mail newspaper, a British tabloid, gives us primer on St. Edward’s Crown, including the list of what gems are there, how many, and the possible country of origin.

St. Edward’s Crown Close Up

If you examine the list of gems said to be mounted to the crown, there is one gemstone that is conspicuously missing – DIAMOND! We ask again … Are there no diamonds in this crown?

To check this out for yourself, see the Crown Diagram here in the Daily Mail!

Roskin Gem News Report