The Family Legacy: Books written from within

There are at least three new nonfiction books recently been announced that are now on our summer/fall reading list. They are all about the jewelry firm’s life story, and they are all written by members of the family!
The first, book in hand, is “The Chatham Legacy – an American Story,” by Thomas Chatham. This is the story of Chatham Created Gems & Diamonds, its founder, Carrol Chatham, and those who followed in his footsteps. I am not quite far enough along to offer a review, but I can tell you that I am enjoying every page.

Second, “King of Diamonds – Harry Winston; The Definitive Biography of an American Icon,” by Ronald Winston & William Stadiem. I believe we all know who Harry Winston was, and may even have heard or read stories about him. Maybe you’ve read “Harry Winston” by Laurence Krashes, an excellent read. But this one is written within the family, so we are expecting good things.

Last but certainly not least, a not quite “new” book, “The Cartiers,” written also by a member of the family, Francesca Cartier Brickell. I am always curious how family businesses survive. This one, from Paris, quite famous of course, went through two world wars in their front yard. From watches into high jewels, the firm has been regarded as one of the top quality jewelry salons in the world. So what is the untold story? Can’t wait to find out.