GAHK: the Journal of the Gemmological Association of Hong Kong 2024 – the 45th Anniversary Copy!
The 45th anniversary of the GAHK Journal is now available through the website.
So many great feature stories in this issue including the Heat Treatment of Demantoid Garnet, The Importance of Geographic Origin of Ruby, Gemmological Features of Pink and Purple Diamonds from Siberia, and a panel review on the Jewellery Industry in Hong Kong!

Appreciation of Fei Cui
Master Craftsmanship
Pictures and information supplied
by AO Yan
18 概述天然鮑魚珍珠的寶石學特性
An Overview of the Gemmological
Characteristics of Natural Abalone Pearls
Cheryl Ying Wai AU Lubna SAHANI
27 書評與簡介
Four Book Reviews & Introductions
Author: Rui Galopim de Carvalho
Reviewed by: Maggie Campbell Pedersen
Broken玉 Bangle
Authors: Liu Shang-I (Edward)
Richard W. Hughes
Zhou Zhengyu (Adam)
Kaylan Khourie
Reviewed by: Anne E. Carroll Marshall
The Chatham Legacy – An American Story
Author: Thomas H. Chatham
Reviewed by: Gary Roskin
Star Gems – A Fascinating World
Introduced by author: Martin P. Steinbach
32 巴基斯坦的海藍寶
Aquamarine of Pakistan
陳志强 CHAN Chi Keung
45 香港珠寶行業及出口的現況和展望
How is the Jewellery Industry in Hong Kong
& its Export Markets – An Interview
張敬猷 Louis CHEUNG
王松鶴 Dominic Wong
盧巧堃 Cassandra LO
陳倩虹 Catherine Chan
李承光 Richard SK LEE
朱倩儀 Christine Rain CHU
52 富含二氧化硅的多邊形硅酸錳
Silica-rich Polygonally Shaped Manganosilicate
Seung Kwon LEE 李承權
58 紅寶石產地的重要性
The Importance of Geographic Origin of Rubies
馬永康 MA Yung Kang
64 翠榴石的加熱處理和識別標準探討
Heat Treatment of Demantoid Garnet and
Possible Identification Criteria
Aaron C. Palke
74 如何正確地看待市場上銷售的
How to look upon the Guatemalan Fei Cui
on the market correctly?
歐陽秋眉 Mimi OU YANG 范肇錦 Eddie FAN
徐健華 Tommy TSUI 嚴軍 Humphrey YEN
80 西伯利亞和阿爾漢格爾斯克地區
Gemmological Features of Pink and
Purple Diamonds from Siberia and
Arkhangelsk Region
Yuri Shelementiev Elizaveta Savina
Olga Yarapova Galina Kriulina
93 簡易歐泊產地分辨方法
Handy Methods to determine the
Geographic Origin of Opal
Differences between Australian and
Ethiopian Opals
王伊達 Eddy Wong
Tap here to go directly to the GAHK website and start reading your copy of the Journal today!