The fourth generation of Asian elephants at the Saint Louis zoo has arrived!
And his name is Jet.

Jet, named after the fossilized driftwood, continues a gemological family tree.
Jet’s mother is named Jade, and his great grandparents were Onyx and Pearl! – gr

Gary Roskin –
Roskin Gem News Report –
the Saint Louis Missouri Zoo –

Asian Elephant Conservation
According to the St. Louis zoo, “there are less than 50,000 Asian elephants left in the wild, and they are facing extinction due to habitat loss and poaching. Given the shrinking population of Asian elephants, the Saint Louis Zoo is committed to conserving this endangered species. The Saint Louis Zoo WildCare Institute Center for Asian Elephant Conservation supports the welfare and conservation of Asian elephants in Sumatra and other Asian countries. The Saint Louis Zoo WildCare Institute Center for Conservation in the Horn of Africa also supports the conservation of African elephants in Kenya through the Northern Rangelands Trust. North American population of Asian elephants acts as an assurance population for their wild counterparts, to help ensure the future of this important species.”

“IT’S A BOY!” the St. Louis Zoo announced on November 23rd, 2024.
Jade & Jet, mother and son, at the St. Louis zoo.
Roskin Gem News Report